Sushma Zahira

Sushma Zahira
Sushma Zahira Gidwani is a highly skilled active meditation facilitator, intuitive healer, life coach, and childhood trauma specialist with two decades of experience in personal development, transformative therapy, and meditation.
She has served thousands of clients through one-on-one sessions and workshops, using an alchemical approach that combines intuitive therapeutic techniques to create dynamic, tailored results.
About Sushma
Sushma is an expert at working with the subconscious mind and is passionate about providing her clients with effortlessly applied solutions that drive profound shifts in their daily lives and help them achieve their goals. With a diverse range of holistic qualifications, including hypnotherapy, reiki, family constellation, primal therapy, pulsation breathwork, qigong, sekhem, soul psychology, angel therapy, tarot, womb healing and sacred sexuality, as well as a strong legal academic background.
Sushma is a true "Goddess at Heart." Her vision is to inspire her clients to lead authentic, fulfilled lives grounded in their deep inner power to heal and create. Her work has been transformational, helping clients achieve emotional mastery, heal from the past, break free from toxic patterns, and attain personal and professional fulfillment.
"I empower game changers to give their gifts to the world.”