Elevate your well-being with XYZ’s room Mycelium and bid farewell to the traditional hot yoga room with the soothing embrace of the infrared panels.
What are infrared heaters?
Infrared heaters convert light directly to heat, warming objects without raising the air temperature. This allows students in an infrared class to absorb heat while the air around them remains cool. Infrared heat is similar to natural sunlight, which our bodies easily process. Infrared heat also reduces the circulation of dirty air and bacteria since it doesn't recirculate the air.
Compared to regular heating techniques, infrared heat has unique benefits. It is absorbed by the skin and has a greater impact on circulation, muscle flexibility, and detoxification. When the body absorbs infrared waves, molecules vibrate, leading to the expulsion of toxins, fat, and impurities into the bloodstream. These are then released through sweat, resulting in a deep cellular cleansing effect. Infrared heat also generates gentle warmth, benefiting muscles and internal organs.
Why infrared?
Sweating is a very important aspect of longevity and youthful life. It is the body’s safe and natural way to heal & stay healthy. Infrared heating benefits the body by heating it directly causing a rise in core temperature resulting in a deep, detoxifying sweat at the cellular level, where toxins reside.
Heating the muscles with infrared rays produces an increase in blood flow. Regular infrared exposure—especially in the mid-infrared range—can promote vasodilation (widening of blood vessels) which stimulates blood flow up to twice the normal rate.
Infrared heat penetrates tissue, joints, and muscles to relieve anything from minor aches and pains to chronic pain conditions such as fibromyalgia. Pain management professionals incorporate infrared heat therapy into treatment plans to decrease pain and muscle spasms and to speed up recovery time.
Infrared heating induces a deep sweat to make the heart pump faster, which in turn increases blood flow, lowers blood pressure and helps circulation. Scientific evidence shows that the benefits of being exposed to infrared heating a couple of times a week can result in lower blood pressure.
The near-infrared wavelength (sometimes referred to as Red Light Therapy) is the most effective wavelength for healing the epidermis and dermis layers of the skin. Near-infrared treatments stimulate collagen production to reduce wrinkles and improve overall skin tone.
Near infrared therapy stimulates the circulatory system and more fully oxygenate the body’s cells. Better blood circulation means more toxins flow from the cellular level to the skin’s surface to improve cell health, aid in muscle recovery and strengthen the immune system.
Scientific research has concluded that near infrared therapy greatly enhances the skin’s healing process by promoting faster cell regeneration and human tissue growth. Human cell growth increases to repair wounds and prevent infection.
Infrared light promotes relaxation by helping to balance your body’s level of cortisol, your body’s primary stress hormone. The heat generated will also help to relax muscles and relieve tension throughout the body, allowing you to relax and de-stress.
The gentle, soothing heat generated by infrared panels or infrared heating systems permeates deep into the muscles and joints, it opens them up allowing for a greater range of motion. A study at Auburn University concluded that athletes were able to stretch as much as three times their normal range in the infrared environment. This will allow yoga students to open up, melt deep into the poses and gain confidence in their practice.
An infrared heat increases calorie burn through thermogenesis. The radiant heat from infrared ray raises the body's core temperature, boosting the metabolic rate. To cool down, the body expends energy, resulting in calorie expenditure. This effect can continue even after leaving the class as the body regulates its temperature.