The vital thing to know about an XYZ class is it feels different, very different. It’s a world away from the traditional sports performance model served up by gyms. We focus on pleasure, not pain. We know that fun motivates faster than fear. We stimulate your senses in mysterious ways.

BORN TO MOVE - Release, recharge and regain control through an intense cardio workout, XYZ style. 50 minutes.

GROW YOUNG - Want to feel the energy of being Born to Move but at a steadier pace then this is the ride for you. More recovery time, an extra weight track, steadier pace and the option to ride with increased resistance. GROW YOUNG with XYZ.

ON-AIR ON-SITE - This is a spin class where your instructor leads you through a pre-recorded class on a large screen at the studio.

Experienced riders are also welcomed and encouraged to take the place of a pack leader to lead the class!

WARRIOR - Want to go the extra mile? This is the ride for you. 15 more minutes of riding will give you the extra burn.